Pharma Mafia:
In the earlier days, the dosage of a medicine was so moderate and effective that the patients never got worried for their disease. The doctors were benevolent and altruistic. With the rapid development of Pharma sector in the world, the medical mafias are spreading their tentacles like octopus to suck the mediocre families. There are elements amongst those who are spoiling this noble profession. Their role model is not B.C. Roy , but money.
Many Indian families becomes impoverished or collapsed when faced with an acute disease. They hardly meet the daily expenses but to spend for hefty medical bill. These bills are, in most cases, either advised by the half-learned medical representative for their own sales target achievement or without investigating the low cost alternative of the same genre. Even in Delhi , there are some doctors who inject with every disease, besides making a fat bill even if it is a common fever!
The Indian government seems to be aware of the fact but playing diplomatically with the businessmen. As it is a matter of money and investment rather the precious human assets! These ways families are compelled to go under severe poverty. As the medical bills are not well proofed and the punitive actions are not well fixed, the growth of such heinous crimes like prescribing unnecessary medicine is being malpractised!
I need not to say enough. If our president lives a 365 days like a common citizen, god forgives, may fall sick of fever or other disease and get to have treatment without naming his identity, he/she would face the same reality!
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